Do you want to be a part of Stavanger Gospel Company?

Wednesday 22 August at 19.30 at the Salvation Army (Stavanger) there will be an evening for those who wish to become a part of the choir and the fellowship Stavanger Gospel Company. This evening is held the same way as we have done over the last years: First some information about who SGCompany are, what […]


Stavanger Gospel Company have been through a longer prosess of evaluating the festival This Is Gospel. We have decided not to run This Is Gospel 2013 the same way as the last years. Our dream of more frequent gospel happenings with international artists, musicians og preachers are starting to come true. Problaby as gospel church […]

Concert at Fest i Vest

Stavanger Gospel Company will be participating at a concert during the festival/street soccer cup Fest i Vest at Frelsesarmeens Behandlingssenter, Stavanger, on Saturday 16th of June. Please check out the and get yourself a ticket. Other artists are Espen Hana, Helge Jordal m/motbakkeorkesteret and Kjell Colt Breivik & Arny Egeland m/band.

Make a difference for the children of India – Charity 2012

Stavanger Gospel Company invite you all to Charity 2012 in IMI Forum, Thursday May 12th 7 p.m. Together with artists Rune Edvardsen w/band, Kjell Inge Torgersen andHan Innante and YOU we will raise 1 million to Bishop Ernest Komanapallis amazing ministry in India. For over 40 years they have brought hope and a chance for a bright […]

South Africa; We love you

The Stavanger Gospel Company at Cape of Good Hope, during the tour in South Africa this Easter.   A total of 113 people in the group – including choir, family members, sound engineer and band –  have experienced this colourful country in the most amazing ways. We’ve been singing in a high security prison, had […]

Stavanger gospel company